Hakone En Cottage West and Sustainability

As part of the Seibu Group, Hakone En Cottage West is committed to enhancing our sustainability actions (ESG) in line with our group’s shared vision and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Safety Measures

Fire Safety Training

We recognize that ensuring the safety of our customers, employees, and partner companies in the event of a disaster or other emergency is not only the foundation of our business activities, but also a social responsibility. In line with this, we have established a basic policy for business continuity in the event of an emergency, and are building internal systems, implementing and continuing measures, and continuously improving these practices to ensure guest safety.

Environmental Initiatives

Promotion of Eco-Friendly Activities

We encourage our guests staying for two nights or more to participate in our “Eco-Friendly Activities.” By forgoing room cleaning and the exchange of linens and amenities during their stay, guests can contribute to reducing linen laundry and amenity bottle consumption, thereby saving energy and helping preserve the environment.

Hakone Clean-up Initiative

To welcome visitors during the summer holidays and keep the town of Hakone pristine, we participate in an annual clean-up activity in collaboration with other local hotels.
Since 1992, we have conducted clean-up operations along the Lake Ashinoko area, with the 2021 initiative marking the 29th occasion. About 100 participants, including staff from other facilities, join forces in this effort.
Through this activity, we aim to cherish and enhance the beauty of Hakone, while spreading the concept of beautification among our guests and further promoting our activities.

Community Engagement

Volunteer Activities

We participate in activities organized by the town of Hakone to repair and maintain Hakone hiking trails. By continuing these efforts, we aim to encourage more visitors to explore Hakone and discover its charms.

Company Culture

Respecting Each and Every Employee

We support maternity leave, childcare leave, and reduced working hours initiatives. We also ensure employees take at least five days of paid annual leave.

Promoting Employee Health and Wellness

We advocate for non-smoking during work hours. We also provide aftercare following health examinations and stress checks.

Recruitment and Employment of International Staff

We are committed to creating an environment where people of all nationalities, ages, and genders can thrive and advance their careers based on their abilities.
Our team includes staff from Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Nepal (including contract workers and part-timers).

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