June 21, 2024

The Prince Kyoto Takaragaike’s Activities to Promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Prince Kyoto Takaragaike supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Based on the declaration within the SEIBU Group Vision that we will “never forget to consider nature and the global environment,” we strive to preserve the environment to achieve sustainable growth as we advance initiatives that contribute to the achievement of a recycling-oriented society.

Initiatives for Environmental Conservation

●Reduction of plastic waste
As a means of reducing plastic waste, we have discontinued the use of plastic straws in our Hotel restaurants and banquet halls.
We provide customers with paper straws upon request.

●Discontinuation of polyethylene shopping bags
As an initiative to reduce our environmental impacts, we have stopped providing polyethylene shopping bags.
We sell bags to customers who request them and donate the proceeds to the local government, which puts the proceeds to use in local environmental conservation activities and social contribution activities.

●Adoption of fair-trade products and recycled materials
We promote the adoption of fair-trade products such as coffee, business cards, and the recycled paper and other materials in guest rooms, to contribute to consideration of the natural environment and the creation of a sustainable society.

●Awareness-Raising Concerning the Reduction of Food Loss
Our Hotel is working to reduce food loss by using foodstuffs close to expiration date at our restaurants in our employee cafeteria.

●Adoption of environmentally considerate equipment
With the aim of medium- to long-term global environmental protection, we are actively adopting equipment that reduces CO2 emissions and power consumption, including the adoption of interior LED lighting and high-efficiency heat source equipment.

●Initiatives to reduce plastic waste
Although we provide disposable amenities in guest rooms, to reduce plastic waste we put unused amenities to use in environmental conservation activities as a donation of goodwill from our guests.

●Reduction of industrial wastes
We sort, reuse, and recycle garbage in line with Kyoto municipal ordinances, and put-up POP displays and posters to raise awareness.

●Environmental Conservation around the Hotel
Promotion of forward-facing parking. Our Hotel encourages guests to park front-end-forward to protect trees from automobile exhaust.

●Promotion of Hotel sightseeing on foot and by bicycle
We encourage sightseeing that puts guests in touch with nature and history through walking, jogging, or cycling, without consuming gasoline or electricity.

●Promotion of Clean-up Activities
We regularly conduct clean-up activities around the Hotel, including at adjacent Takaragaike Park.
We will continue our efforts to preserve the environment of Kyoto Rakuhoku, which sits among natural surroundings, and to contribute however we can to nearby residents.

Social Development

●Activities to Hand Down Traditional Japanese culture to the Next Generation

Support for artists who carry forward the culture of Kyoto
New Gallery En -Art AND Crafts- gallery space


-zone A (Club Lounge)

– Cycle of Nature – Crafts as Art –
In the zone A Club Lounge, we hold exhibits that combine the crafts-based works of artists hailing from or living in Kyoto and the works of artists from other regions. Guests can directly discover the beauty of Kyoto and Japan.
This, surely, is a “craft” that has been nurtured and refined throughout history.

The ceramic arts, for example, incorporate the concept of “ground, water, fire, wind, and void,” which finds beauty within the cycles of nature.
Soil and water are used as materials, and are hardened with fire and wind. The void (the work of art) is created from these four elements, and returns again to the soil.
Always in tune with this cycle, the artist works day by day to fuse humankind with nature.
Our Hotel will exhibit works that let guests feel such Japanese aesthetics.


-zone B (Public area, 1F corridor)

Creating opportunities for artists with ties to Kyoto to present their works.
In zone B, we exhibit paintings by young artists living in Kyoto while also creating ongoing opportunities for the presentation of artists’ works through the sale of those works.

We change our exhibit every three months with the aim of creating encounters with numerous Kyoto artists for the guests who stay at our Hotel.

March 2025